what is suspension know rules under this situation

what is suspension know rules under this situation

Government Jobs Rules: Many times government employees are found doing illegal work or violating the rules, In such a case, they are either suspended or dismissed., We usually hear news of suspension, In such a situation, do you know what happens when it is suspended?, When someone is suspended, does he lose his job?, Let us know,

What happens when you are suspended,

Many times government employees are not on duty, At times, while on duty, they do things that are against the rules., In such a situation, complaints are made many times, At times, during the visit of a senior officer, it comes to light that the concerned employee is not performing his duty properly., Due to which we keep getting news of suspension of government employees., This is called suspend in English.,

What happens when you are suspended,

Now the question arises that what happens if an officer is suspended, So let us tell you that whenever a government employee is suspended by his department or any officer holding a higher post, during this period he is relieved from the related work with immediate effect, that is, no work is taken from him for a few days.,

although different,Different departments have also set a time limit for how many days any employee can be suspended, No government employee is kept suspended for a long time, During this period, the allegations against him are investigated within the stipulated time frame., If the charges against him are found to be false or pardonable, he is later reinstated to the same job or position., However, during the period of suspension, the government employee gets only half the salary he used to get., After reinstatement, he starts getting his full salary., Often subordinate employees are suspended or suspended as a punitive measure,

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